Laboratory for Energy ConversionLEP
Full. prof. Peter Virtič Ph.D.
LEP deals with: the design of electric machines, development of new software solutions for the design of electrical machines using analytical and numerical methods, measurement of the characteristics, local demagnetization and quality of permanent magnets using clips obtained by the scanner with a magnetic camera, technologies for exploiting renewable energy sources, design of wind generators, design of solar power plants, biomass and renewable energy sources, measurements in energy technology, NET metering – energy self-sufficiency, design and implementation of smart measurement systems in the energy sector, design of energy control systems, planning of energy policies, optimization of power consumption, application of genetic algorithms for optimization in energy systems, design of electric vehicles, elaboration of life cycle assessment for the evaluation of environmental impacts, calculations of operating states of power systems.

Full. prof.Peter Virtič

Franjo Pranjić,

Nejc Smolar, B.
- OSCI-GEN – Development of generators for the conversion of vibration and vibration energy in shipping, road and rail traffic into electricity (2018-2021; EU-TRL3-6)
- Technical management of the StoRES project (2016-2019; GOSP)
- IQ DOM – Intelligent Home of New Generation Based on Smart Devices and Wood (2016-2018; EU-TRL3-6)
- BACK TO NATURE (2016-2018; EU-ERASMUS +)
- E-RESPLAN (2015-2017; EU-ERASMUS +)
- TREND (2014-2016; EU-ERASMUS +)