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Formula for calculation of magnetic field strength over the middle of the gap of a bipolar suspended iron separator /
Enačba za izračun jakosti magnetnega polja po sredini reže bipolarnih suspendiranih separatorjev železa
Mykhaylo Zagirnyak

Turbine sealing steam heat recovery with dynamic Stirling engines /
Izraba toplote tesnilne pare turbine z dinamičnimi Stirling motorji
Dušan Strušnik, Milan Marčič, Jurij Avsec 

Low enthalpy systems in geothermal energy /
Nizko entalpijski sistemi v geotermalni energiji
Renato Strojko 

Review of energy regulations on solar energy (PV) in Slovenia and Austria /
Pregled energetske regulative za sončno energijo (PV) v Sloveniji in Avstriji
Franjo Pranjić

Numerical analysis of lift and pressure coefficients of an airfoil: Ansys vs SolidWorks /
Numerična analiza koeficienta vzgona in tlaka profila krila: Ansys in SolidWorks
Igor Spaseski, Marko Pezdevšek, Igor Ščuri, Matej Fike, Gorazd Hren


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University of Maribor

Institute of Energy Technology



University of Maribor

Faculty of Energy Technology




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