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Innovative gasification technology for the circular economy
Inovativna tehnologija uplinjanja za krožno gospodarstvo
Teos Perne, Marko Šetinc, Tine Seljak


Design influenced by the effect of filter selection on the appraiser variation of the measuring results
of a 3D optical measuring system
Zasnova, ki vpliva na izbiro filtra za oceno merilnih rezultatov 3D optičnega merilnega sistema
Josip Groš, Tihomir Mihalić, Srđan Medić, Nikola Šimunić


Fuzzy model for estimating the risk of infection by Covid-19
Mehki model napovedi ogroženosti z boleznijo Covid-19
Janez Usenik


A regenerator used in the installation of magnetic refrigeration devices
Uporaba regeneratorja za magnetno hlajenje
Botoc Dorin, Jurij Avsec, Adrian Plesca

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University of Maribor

Institute of Energy Technology



University of Maribor

Faculty of Energy Technology




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