Orodje za dostopnost


Project Acronym: REDU-CE-D

Project webpage: https://www.interreg-central.eu/projects/redu-ce-d/

Duration: 01.05.2024 – 30.04.2027


Based on data from the European Environment Agency (EEA), EU energy consumption in transport was 32% higher in 2017 compared to 1990. In Central Europe, this increase was even greater, nearly doubling compared to 1990. The REDU-CE-D project aims to enhance the energy efficiency of transport modes in Central Europe by implementing the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) into various sectors (air, urban, waterway, and rail transport) through the use of a customized Environmental Management System (EMS). The effectiveness of the EMS packages will be tested through pilot actions conducted in four countries (Croatia, Poland, Hungary, Italy). Research and testing results will be presented at the REDU-CE-D conference. The project will support the adoption and implementation of the EMS packages through training activities, awareness campaigns, and lobbying efforts, contributing to the achievement of the EU's energy efficiency goals.

Lead partner: Dubrovnik Airport Ltd (HR)

Partners: Budapest Airport (HU), Municipality of Krakow (Krakow Transport Authority) (PL), BKK Budapesti Közlekedési Központ Zrt. (HU), University of Maribor (SI), Adriafer s.r.l (IT), Ecco – rail Gmbh (AT), Freeport of Budapest Logistics Ltd (HU), Port of Ploče Authority (HR), Romagna Tech (IT)

Project total budget: 2.296.700,00 €

UM budget in the project: 211.000,00 €

Project ID: CE0200836

Funded by: Interreg Central Europe (80 %)

UM role in the project: Project partner



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Univerza v Mariboru 

Inštitut za energetiko

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Univerza v Mariboru

Fakulteta za energetiko

Elektronska pošta: fe@um.si



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